

Bibliometry search

Citation manager

Other tools

INDISPENSABLE: a good notebook and a good pen

recommended, avoid

Backup: GDrive, Dropbox

Notes: GKeep, Notion (also Mem for AI-powered organization or Obsidian fearless tinkerers)

Writing: GDocs, MS Word

Presenting: GSlides

Figures: Biorender, GDrawings, GCanvas

Data analysis: R + rstudio, Python, EpiInfo  Excel, SPSS, SAS, STATA

Code management: Github

Research projects and collaborations: Google Drive

Task management: GTaskNotion, also a good timer

FAIR data test:

Time blocking: Reclaim

Project management and planning: Project Libre

Social media profiles: ORCID (indispensable), ResearchGate, Google Scholar profile, Twitter

Open Science tools:   ropensci, Open Data EuOpen Science Training Handbook & How to be FAIR with your data

More: 15 bookmark-worthy tools for researchers that cost you nothing and will save you time (& nerves) when researching, writing and publishing Twitter thread